The Connecticut College Staff Council's mission is to be recognized as a reliable voice between staff and the administration. The Council solicits and expresses opinions, represents staff concerns, and makes suggestions and recommendations to the administration on behalf of the entire staff. It strives to promote visibility of staff as valuable members of the community and facilitate a sense of belonging within the community. The Staff Council actively seeks to involve all segments of the College's diverse staff through the interaction with other active staff committees as well as all individual staff members.
The Staff Council does not negotiate grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay or hours of employment. The Employee Handbook addresses the manner in which these topics are administered and managed.
Suggestions and recommendations of the Staff Council are distributed to the Director of Human Resources and the President of the College, as well as the appropriate senior administrator (if deemed relevant), for review and response.
Members of the College community may access the Staff Council website when logged in to CamelWeb, the College intranet. There they may view the history and accomplishments of the Council, make suggestions, and read the minutes of Staff Council meetings.