Conn celebrates Campus Sustainability Week
Connecticut College is ‘putting the liberal arts into climate action’ with a weeklong series of events to kickoff Campus Sustainability Month, an international celebration of sustainability in higher education.
“October is celebrated as Campus Sustainability Month around the world to highlight sustainability efforts at colleges and universities. Hosting Campus Sustainability Week in October brings attention to our sustainability efforts on campus and around the country, and more awareness to the global climate crisis,” said Assistant Director of Sustainability Margaret Bounds.
Throughout the week, Conn students are participating in discussions about how the College is addressing climate change by working to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions; climate trivia competitions; informal meetings with campus sustainability leaders; and the Climate Ribbon Project.
Several events are open to the public. The annual Sound Lab Lecture Series event, “How Cities, Citizens and Companies Can Save the World,” with Bill Finch, director of the Discovery Museum and former mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut, is Oct. 10 at 4:30 p.m. in the 1941 Room, College Center at Crozier-Williams. A recipient of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Leadership award, Finch worked to transform Bridgeport into a hub of green development that has been ranked among the top three cities in the Northeast for sustainability.
David Wallace-Wells, author of the New York Times bestseller The Uninhabitable Earth, will deliver a keynote address, “The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming,” Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. in Palmer Auditorium.
Campus Sustainability Week kicks off the College’s year-long sustainability campaign, “Putting the Liberal Arts into Climate Action.” Learn more about sustainability at Conn.