Shawnia Yon ’24
Summer Intern, Christie’s, New York, New York
Majors/ Minor: Dance and Business (self-designed) double major; Finance minor
Center or Pathway: Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation, Value and Change
Hometown: Queens, New York Shawnia interned at Christie’s international auction house in the trust, estates, and appraisals department. There, she helped organize and manage appraisal projects for a variety of purposes, including estate planning and charitable donations. She also completed a final project which included pitching a marketing and sales plan for an individual work of art to a top client. “Christie’s provided me with an amazing opportunity to experience what it’s like to work in a corporate setting. Through this internship, I deepened my understanding of a plethora of skills, such as negotiation, problem-solving and relationship building. The transferable skills—in particular, relationship management—align with my career goals and will make me a resourceful team member who can excel in any company I chose to work with and/or start.”