Emergency Preparation and Response
Creating and maintaining a safe environment for students, faculty and staff is of the utmost importance. The College has a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan that is regularly review and updated. The plan provides detailed information on responding to emergencies of all types . The College is also in regular contact with first responders for the City of New London.
The College's internal emergency response team includes representatives from all relevant divisions and offices. Team members meet continually and use regular training and tabletop simulations to improve their ability to respond to emergencies.
Emergency Numbers:
Campus Safety: (860) 439-2222
(From a Campus Phone, 2222 or 111)
Environmental Health & Safety: (860) 439-2252
(From a Campus Phone, 2252)
Facilities Management - Work Control Desk: (860) 539-2253
(From a Campus Phone, 2253)
Emergency Weather Hotline: (860) 439-5000
(Toll Free: (800) 596-9452)
(From a Campus Phone, 5000)
New London Police or Fire: 911
The procedures listed in the links to the right are intended to provide timely information in the event of an emergency, and are excerpted from the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan can be found in the Documents/Policies site on CamelWeb under the Campus Safety folder.